About Us
Chris Pell-Owner/Auctioneer
Chris Pell has been a licensed auctioneer in Indiana since 1976. He is well experienced in all facets of the auction business including personal property, antiques, real estate and farm auctions and estates. Chris also has an extensive background in the field of personal property appraisal. His customer focused business principles have earned him many accolades amongst the major industry associations. He is a Indiana Auctioneer Association Hall of Fame inductee and acted as the IAA convention chairman in 1987. Chris was elected as the Indiana Auctioneer Association's president in 1989. He has been instrumental in the formation of the new continuing education laws for the Indiana Auctioneer's Commission and was awarded the Sister Justina Morgan DC Award in 2013 for his commitment to public service in Clay County Indiana.
Brady Pell-Auctioneer
Brady Pell joined the family business as an auctioneer in 1997. He graduated at the top of his class from the world reknowned Repperts Auction School. Brady is one of the best bid callers around. His high energy style of auctioning keeps the crowd involved and excited. Brady was also a recipient of the Sister Justina Morgan DC Award in 2013 for his commitment to serving the community of Clay County Indiana.
Nick Pell-Auctioneer
Nick Pell also completed his auction education at Repperts Auction School. In 2013 he graduated as the valedictorian of his class. As well as being a bid caller Nick aids in the setup and scheduling of auctions. He also serves as Pell Auction Company's webmaster and marketing director. Nick will introduce online auctions to the company's portfolio of services this Spring of 2014.